
We unlock the communication power of large sales teams.

The marketing platform to take care of and enhance your brand.

Leading companies choosing Social Templates

Eliminate friction between marketing and sales teams.

Social Templates allow your sales teams to self-manage and personalize communication in real time, freeing your marketing team for what's important.

Marketing + Sales:

One strong team achieving goals.

Created for All Industries


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Unify all your brand's communication on social media.

Would you let your sales reps sell a product that isn't yours? No, right?
So, don't let your brand be affected when it can be exponentially enhanced.

Align and control your "sales army".

Transforming Communication
on a Large Scale

We analyze the communication of each brand
and provide all the content to boost omnichannel sales.

of consumers conduct a local online search when in need of a business or service.

of consumers say their purchase decisions are influenced by social content.

of consumers are more likely to purchase from brands who respond to comments and questions on social.

Discover Why They Choose Us

Social Templates superó completamente mis expectativas. Es una plataforma súper intuitiva que permite a nuestros franquiciados comunicar de manera unificada. La atención que nos brindan es excelente, siempre dispuestos a resolver nuestras inquietudes con amabilidad y eficiencia!
Fiorella Copertari
Ejecutiva de marketing
SOCIAL TEMPLATES es una plataforma que mejora y agiliza las interacciones con las redes sociales. Sin dudas a las empresas les da la posibilidad de medir a quienes inter actuan con la marca y de profesionalizar más la tarea. En VANESA seguimos acompañando a este hermoso equipo porque queremos que esta sea una gran herramienta para la Venta Directa y se que lo lograremos. La COLABORACIÓN es el liderazgo de hoy...
Vanesa Duran
Social Templates nos ha resultado una herramienta de gran impacto en la optimización, medición y sincronización de nuestra comunicación de redes sociales a través de nuestros más de 1700 franquiciados. Sin duda, seguiremos apostando a potenciar nuestra red con comunicación unificada y eficaz.
Ricardo Cortés
Gerente de Marketing

Supporting Leading Brands

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Boosting Businesses Alongside High-Level Companies

If you have an agency, consultancy, or would like to support leading brands, we have an opportunity for you and your team.

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